Welcome to Africa for this 305th edition of SurgeXperiences: we have some great articles for this edition of the fortnightly surgical blog carnival...
Sid Schwab of Surgeonsblog writes about the current health care debate in the USA and points out how private healthcare insurers do not provide cover for what you really need it for. They are businesses after all and a "Guy's gotta make a buck, right?" We all know that insurance companies will try anything to get out of paying out, but some of these examples of exclusions are ridiculous. Dr Schwab states: "The question is, does the current system work and is it sustainable without significant change? In my view, the answer is clearly no."
In another post from Surgeonsblog, Dr Schwab talks about one of the most difficult decisions a surgeon has to face: the decision not to operate. A fitting piece of advice given to one of the commenters by a wise mentor: "not everyone has to have an operation before they die".
The ever proliferative story teller Bongi tells a poignant story about memories and reflection and how one can never really go back; a stomach turning story (if a surgeon gags, you know it's gotta be bad!); a very typically South African story; and an absolute must readabout a frightening, surreal experience he had as a student in a maximum security mental institution - or it may have been a scene from a bad zombie movie, I'm not sure ;)
Shirley Wang of The Wall Street Journal Health bloginterviews Elliot Haut, the first author of a recent study published in Archives of surgery, which found that a trauma surgeon's experience makes no difference on patients' likelihood of survival. The overall system of care appears to be the important factor. Interesting. Take a look.
Sheepish from The Paper Mask, talks about the growing discipline of Cosmetic Medicine and the lack of regulation and standards in the industry. I've always found it interesting that people are very careful to take their cars, appliances, electronics, etc to an accredited dealer only, yet will take major risks with their health and lives by going to somebody who may or may not be properly qualified or even somebody who has no qualifications or accreditation at all, when your health is the very thing you should never mess around with. Boggles my mind.
I'm a doctor and a mother. When i'm not practising medicine, I'm taking care of the kids: a little boy, a little girl and their slightly less mature father.
The intention of this blog is to provide a small window into my world, including the medical world, and convey some interesting stories. It is not my intention to dispense medical advice and nothing read here should be considered such. The identities of all patients are protected.