Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What's in a name?

I collect odd names. I realise now that sounds a bit weird, but having a odd name myself, I think it's fine. Anyway, here are a few odd names I've picked up over a couple of years. They're a mix of patient and non patient names, including waiters, shop attendants, etc. - generally people who wear name tags. No surnames are included.

Nappy - this is the non American word for diaper.
Surprise - his mom was obviously not expecting him!
Simian - maybe mom anticipated he would do alot of monkeying around?
Trinity - a cool name if you're a female superhero in an alternative future where machines rule the world.
Father - he was named after a Catholic priest. I asked. I don't think his parents realised though that "Father" was his title and not his first name.
Girly - must have been the only girl.
Pietstraus - Was named after a guy called Piet Straus. I asked.
Sakkie - Afrikaans for packet.
Icy - either it was very cold when he was born, or he gave his mom the cold shoulder. I think so anyway.
Goodboy - self evident. Or maybe wishful thinking.
Treazer - should be a character in Harry Potter.
Class - was born in a classroom maybe? Maybe his parents thought he had alot of class? Maybe his parents wanted him to become a teacher? Maybe he was named after a guy called Klaas.
Million - one in a million maybe?
Mongo - it just sounds funny.
Ribon - why would you name your child ribbon? Maybe she felt she deserved a blue ribbon for her efforts. I know I did after I gave birth.
Staffnes - he was named after the staff nurse who delivered him. hehehe.
Saloon - as far as I know we don't even have saloons in South Africa!
Wonderful - quite sweet actually.
Lickim - hahahahahahaha! Maybe it's supposed to be Likehim.
Sycho - maybe he is.


Unknown said...

I knew someone called Wrongnumber

amanzimtoti said...

Kyla, that is HILARIOUS!!!

Amanzi Down Under said...

Thanks for the list of names, somehow I think we'll still keep looking elsewhere......

Dr Benjamin Moetlediwa said...

13h56 Lol..I know someone with a name of Nthofela its a sotho name, it means ”just a thing”...I wonder what his parents were thinking by naming him name that name..

amanzimtoti said...

Benjamin, that's terrible! I hope that isn't really what they were thinking.

Sarah Glenn said...

My spouse had to talk one woman out of naming her child 'Vagina'. She thought it sounded pretty.

Ralf said...

Wow, there is a great deal of useful data above!
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