Saturday, October 27, 2007

My boyfriend, the food thief

I doubt anyone else has a boyfriend/husband/partner who steals their food. I do. My boyfriend had to go to work this morning and I didn't, so I decided to make him some coffee and breakfast. There weren't many options so I decided to go for melted cheese on a roll. I made myself one too but I hid it because I thought he might try to steal it. After he'd finished eating, he went to the fridge to look for something else to eat. He settled on this liquid breakfast cereal stuff (that I usually drink in the car on my way to work in the mornings) and a red bull (ok, so the fridge isn't exactly stocked at the moment). I then decided it was safe to take my food out, but then our son needed some attention and I had to see to him quickly. When I turned back I saw that my plate was empty. Damn! My boyfriend was now on the phone in the foyer. I went to check and, sure enough, he was eating my cheese roll! I tried to get it back, but he's much taller than I am and he held it out of my reach, but I was persistant. Then he just stuffed it all in his mouth!



Bongi said...

that's terrible!!

Anonymous said...

No, that's hilarious!!

Amanzi Down Under said...

They claim that their habit of stealing food stems from having spent 5 years at boarding school.
I have it on good authority that their arrival at family functions was often met with exclamations of "Oh, no! The Boys are here! There isn't going to be enough food!"....and that was BEFORE they went to boarding school.
Perhaps it's due to a resilient tapeworm?

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is indeed the excuse I'm given!

make mine trauma said...

I would have been furious! I am very protective of my food and don't share well with others. All day I would have felt that I was starving because I didn't get my cheese roll!

Anonymous said...

MMT I grew up with a brother who always stole my food and I always got angry, but right from the start, before he was even my boyfriend, my boyfriend used to steal my food when and we ate in the caffeteria together (we used to work together) and I could just never be angry with him for doing it :)

Anonymous said...

my boyfriend is worse- he eats everything in one sitting late at night while i'm sleeping. i have to hide the things i like most. last night i accidently left my cookies out on a table. sure enough, they were ALL gone by morning.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for giving out that data, I looked for it earlier however could get it just celular chino and here. Jot down more!

Anonymous said...

he was eating my cheese roll! I tried to get it back, but he's much taller than I am and he held it out of my reach, but I was persistant. Then he just stuffed it all in his mouth!